Lasty, she don't care

You're the one who hurt her. and you're acting like she hurt you. You're the one who lied her 
and you're blaming her for her trust issues.

You're the one who talks to other girls behind her back, and you're getting mad when she talks to her guy friends.

You're the one who doesn't gve her enough attention and you're getting upset when she doesn't text you back fast enough.

You're the one who doesn't make any time for her and you trippin when things get busy for her.

You're the one who always making mistakes and you're saying she loves pick fights with you. 

You're the one who doesn't understand her. and you're making her feel likes shes crazy for feeling the way she does. 

You're the one who mistreats her and you're playing the victim claiming she isn't good to you. 

You're the one who makes her miserable and you're making it seem like you're unhappy bcoz of her.

You're the one who doesn't put any effort in and you're coming off like she isn't trying her hardest. 

you're the one who doesn't love her and you believe that shes the one who doesn't care.