Long distance relationship are hard.
Reallyy Hard.
and not everybody truly undrstands that.
There are more reasons to fight, more reasons to argue and more reason to stress. you have to put twice as much effort, twice as much patience and twice as much trust in order to make it work. The distance, however, gives those couples a reason to love harder than regular couples do. Regular couples gets to we each other whenever they want, while long distance couples hve to wait long periods of time to see each other and when they do, its only for a short period of times as well and when its time to leave, thats the worst part about it all bcoz you don't want to leave. it hurts to leave, knowing it'll be awhile until you see that person again. So every moment those cpls spend time together matter. They dont take holding hands, long hugs and kisses for granted.
Whats Amazing is that, although these couples are far apart from each other closer than that person and thats how you know its real and pure love.
Apart in Distance but never apart in hearts. If the Hearts is Loyal.