I hope you find someone who wants to know your past, interested in every details of it, not to judge you, but with the sole purpose of wanting to know how to love you.
I hope you find someone who does not only worship your body but most importantly, someone who falls in love with your soul and the real beauty that lies within.
Find someone who asks your hand from the God, bcoz he knows He's your Creator and the Lover of your soul.
Someone who has prayed for you even before meeting you.
Someone who's grateful for your existense, who understands your flaws and imperfections and is aware tht you are a masterpiece, a work in progress.
Lastly, I hope you find the courage to wait patiently, until you meet someone the God has prepared for you.
Praying is the best He is about to give to you. bcoz darlingg, you deserved it. but until then, work in cultivating yourself.
Grow and be the best version of you. Until then, wait patiently and pray
inspired words by : Lim Vanesa Jhoy